Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Well it's been a bit hectic around here. Don't know if I mentioned this before but we had one sick kitty here. When we got back form LV our Grizzy was very sick. I took her to he vet and $200+ later we still didn't know exactly what was wrong. Vet said best guess is Kidney failure or cancer. GREAT! We were devastated at that. But after 2 weeks of antibiotics she seems to be pulling through. Then I got a sinus infection that really wiped me out, just in time for the Thanksgiving prep. Had Rob's family over (23 in all). Had a great time visiting and eating with just a hint of gossip. That's what some people get from not being here and you know who you are! Now we are dealing with Ryan's sinus condition. Went to the ENT today and we now have a surgery scheduled for 12/19. Thank God we can get it done over Christmas break. Removing Adnoids and shrinking some nasal something or other. Doctors and their big terms, make me sick. Ryan is also practicing for a play at church. He is going to be Gabriel in the Fear Not Factor. He's a little nervous about that but he knows his lines just fine. The play is on 12/10 and that means the rehearsels are coming fast and furious. So we are busy, busy, busy. We did manage to get the decorations and tree up this weekend. That's a load. Also tossed a few old decorations that I am just sick of looking at. Well I am off to me first ever professional hair coloring appointment. Getting tired of doing it myself. Hope everything turns out all right. Wish me luck. More Later...

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