Monday, April 17, 2006

Why? Why? Why?

Why do I keep sharing my love of knitting with family members who don't care? I mean come on, it's yarn that I picked out, a pattern that I picked out and now it's a useful thing that I can use. What's not to love about that? Don't I get all geeked up when you show me something that you made? Or bought? Whichever the case may be. All I get is....and I quote..."Hum". Now not ALL my family members are like that. The ones that are crafty say things like "Did you make that?" Which at least sounds like they are interested. I wish I wasn't the only crafty one in the family. Now I have friends that are crafty but they are too hard to impress. Maybe that's it. My family isn't impressed anymore. They expect it and no longer care. I am taking a vow right now not to ever, ever show my family members what I make. I am also not showing anyone what I got at the Thrift store at a ridiculously good price. Could they be jealous??

PS - that's a premie cap on my head, not a winky cover!


Anonymous said...

We all think you're extremely crafty, witty and very talented!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Non-knitters don't seem to appreciate all the work. I've vowed to never give family members or friends another pair of my knit socks. I'll just bet they throw them in the washer and dryer and end up with Barbie socks. We'll all just appreciate each other because we're all great!!

Anonymous said...

Hey,, I least they don't say...'WHY would you make that?' or 'I don't think I'd EVER wear something like that'... My motto now is..'If I like it - Great! It's mine anyway and I'll wear it anytime I feel like it!!!' :-)
Just remember you have friends that DO appreciate your knitting and talents.