Monday, January 29, 2007

Coming Soon!

Well I finally got the pink baby blanket done, doesn't it look good. You aren't suupose to block a blanket are ya! I thought, hey, it's not like it won't fit. I also had time to make a little bib, man I sure hope this baby stays female and doesn't switch at the last minute. I have a friend who was told that her baby was a girl and guess what - it changed! Yep, went democrate! hahaha No really, it was a boy. Either "it" was hiding or was tiny, tiny. Guys don't like that, for that matter neither do girls. Anyway, I also made a diaper cake. It's totally made of disposable diapers folded around a baby bottle. Then you cover it with a receiving blanket. It was really fun. So the baby shower was Saturday and there was a ton of pink baby stuff. Now girls can wear/use blue things but baby boys in pink. Yes, there is something wrong with that. I will keep you posted on the outcome. Now what to knit next....


auntgerry said...

The blanket and cake are really cute. Good job!

Julie said...

I love the blankie, bib and cake! What a lucky mom-to-be to have you for a friend!