Tuesday, December 13, 2005

December already?

I cannot believe I haven't posted since Nov. Man time flys doesn't it. I have been one busy little (yeah, right!) elf. I scrapbook a calendar for my mom-in-law every year and getting the pics from my sis-in-laws can take some time. I also finished a scrapbook for my mom with old pics of my sis and me. I sewed together Capree Sun juice packs and made a tote for my son's teacher. And I am knitting cotton chenelle face cloths for friends and myself. Gotta have those extra presents for those dropping in with presents for you. I also found time to knit up a cool bright colored sharf from BIG prints, Lion Brands (?) on size 35 needles. That only took a few hours and I love it! As for my Christmas shopping, decorating and baking. Finished the shopping today. Most of the wrapping is done too. All the halls are decked and the baking starts next week. I refuse to not enjoy the season. Ryan was in the church play of the Fear Not Factor as Gabriel on Saturday. He did a marvelous job for his acting debute. Didn't miss a line or a stage entrance. I was so proud. Nothing like a little Christmas story reinactment to remind you what the reason for the season is. Hope you are enjoying the season. More later...