Monday, September 11, 2006

Where were you?

As I hung out our special 9/11/01 flag I really stopped and tried to remember everything about that day. You know we all say "I will never forget...." but already some details are fuzzy. I was walking with a friend. She called me today and we vowed to call each other every 9/11 no matter where life takes us. We had walked our walk and was sitting and chatting on my porch while everything was happening. We had not a clue. Could say we were innocent. We said our goodbyes, I went in the house to check for messages before getting a shower and on with the things on my to do list. Rob had called and said something hit a building in NYC and to turn the TV on. My mind couldn't wrap itself around what I was seeing. I sat down...watched the news reports. They were coming fast and furious. Some reports were true and other not. Everything seemed to be coming apart. Planes crashing everywhere it seemed. I was home alone and started to really freak out. What was happening to our land? Is this "the end"? I reached for my bible, let it fall open to the Psalms. I had no verse in mind, just read what ever I saw. I needed supernatural comfort. My eyes fell to Psalm 37. Find a bible and read how appropriate it is for what was happening that day. I couldn't believe it. God is good and faithful to those who seek him. And I was definately answer to this mess. I have that answer but I don't like it. They hate us. We don't care about anyone but ourselves and we spew firth from our TV shows, movies and internet. They think we are to be killed for that. I couldn't have cared less about any Taliban or Afganistan or anything that wasn't on these shores. I do care now. The world got smaller that day. I now watch a lot more TV news than I used to. My heart stops with they come on with a "Breaking News" story. What will it be the next time? Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. Hug and kiss and tell someone you love them today. I hope they aren't surprised. The US is forever changed by that day. Are we safer???? Do we care more about the world around us????

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